A professional organization for filmmakers to learn, share and network since 2008.

What People Are Saying...

Laura Pursley

Sony Cinema Camera Marketing

"Our work with LAPPG has been an integral part of our marketing strategy. Partnering with the organization allows us to reach a smart and talented group of professionals who are curious to stay up-to-date on new imaging and workflow technologies."

Dan May

President, Blackmagic Design

"The Los Angeles Post Production Group is more than just a monthly meeting of production and post professionals. It’s a classroom, network, laboratory and most importantly, a community where people of all backgrounds, experience levels and disciplines can gather to share ideas, learn and work together to enrich the production and post industry. Blackmagic Design is honored to work with the Los Angeles Post Production Group."

Chris Kooistra

Director of Marketing, Other World Computing

"LAPPG has been a tremendous resource to OWC. It's a great place for us to get real-world feedback and helps us to develop the next generation of solutions for the people who use them everyday.”

Bruce Logan, ASC

Director, Producer, Director of Photography

"It’s great to be part of LAPPG. It’s the most supportive, information rich, and fun group that I belong to. The speakers are state of the art and anywhere else you would pay big bucks to attend their seminars. Woody’s humor keeps me chuckling all night long. In fact I have such a good time, that I recently moved just one block away so that I can walk to the events. I rarely leave without a door prize. What’s not to like? Keep up the good work!”

Jay Miracle

Director, Producer, Writer

I've been coming to these monthly meetings from the very beginning and over the years I've found that it's a great place for networking, exchanging information, and - most importantly - laughing at Woody's jokes."

Steve Rotz

VP, ProductionHUB
“In the eight years ProductionHUB has worked with LAPPG, we’ve built a strong partnership benefiting the production community in so many ways. From their members finding work on our job board to partnering on workshops, together we’ve been able to give the community more than we could have individually. Wendy and Woody are always such pleasures to work with and they continue to prove that LAPPG is an asset to the industry.”

Snehal Patel

Head of Cinema Sales at ZEISS Camera Lenses, Americas

“I enjoy working with LAPPG to create presentations that members enjoy and learn from. The organizers, Wendy and Woody, work hard to keep the post production community in Los Angeles engaged and active. We have successfully coordinated events, enhanced presence at trade shows and been able to talk about new technologies that can help enhance post workflow. It's been a great partnership so far!”

Megan Adeff


"I have been attending these meetings on and off for some years now. I always come away with new information on the post production world and answers to questions I didn't even know I had. What I find is that I may not be "interested" in the speakers for a meeting but once I've heard what they have to say, I discover that the information is either directly applicable to my current projects or food for thought for my upcoming projects. It's also a very supportive and friendly group, so a great excuse to get out and do something."

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