January 2021 Photos

Happy New Year! The year got off on right foot at our January 2021 Meeting when we were able to announce that our good friends and parnters Other World Computing (OWC) not only renewed their support of the group for the upcoming year, but also increased their level of support to become a Gold Level Partner. A big “thank you” to OWC! We also had fun with some polls about New Year’s Resolutions, topics people want to see more of in 2021, and what we’ve been missing most during this pandemic. Then the meeting was turned over Maxim Jago, award winning filmmaker, author, speaker, futurist and Director of The Creativity Conference running from January 22-24, 2021. Maxim shared with us some essential insights to help us embark on a year filled with creativity. Attendees left inspired and ready to tackle new projects and programs in the year ahead.
December 2020 Meeting

November 2020 Meeting

October 2020 Meeting

Even though our October meeting was online we could feel the energy as people were super excited to hear about real world uses for the recently released version of iZotope‘s go-to audio repair and polishing suite. We were lucky enough to have been able to assemble a panel of very impressive sound professionals to discuss their experience using RX 8. The panel was moderated by LAPPG‘s & Allied Post‘s Woody Woodhall, CAS whose deep knowledge of the program helped make this discussion accessible for those who have been working with it for years as those who are just discovering its massive capabilities through his explanations of some of the terms and processes that were discussed. The panel was comprised of three hardworking and accomplished sound professionals including Founder and Chief Engineer of Audio Mechanics John Polito, Supervising Sound Editor and Re-recording Mixer for Juniper Post David Barber and Dialog & Re-recording Engineer Doug Mountain. We also enjoyed a Halloween movie poll where we discovered that the favorite horror subgenre of the group was the psychological horror movie. We want to thank all who attended, as well as our partners and of course, iZotope and our fabulous panelists for participating!
September 2020 Meeting

Our online September meeting was jam packed with hard to find information from VFX editor Richard Sanchez. Having recently worked on the feature film Bill & Ted Face the Music, Richard brought his valuable experience to his presentation filled with important explanations of VFX terminology which he provided for us as a pdf document from, his training platform Master the Workflow. (Thanks Richard!) Richard gave a detailed explanation what a VFX editor actually does and shared a lot of insight on things that he wished he had known before he started in the role! Our members were glued to their screens as Richard kindly went above and beyond to answer so many of our questions.
August 2020 Meeting

Our August 2020 meeting took place online via Zoom for the second time. Although online meetings are not ideal, they are great for keeping our community together and for allowing us to continue to learn about new technologies. We were lucky enough to have Karl Soule, Senior Technical Sales Manager for Film & Video with us explaining how Premiere Pro’s new feature Productions works to offer users tools for organizing multi-project workflows, sharing assets between projects, and keeping everything streamlined and efficient, whether you’re working on your own or collaborating with a team. A big thank you for Karl and Kathy Scibetta for sharing this information and supplying a 1 year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud for our giveaway.
June 2020 Meeting

June 30, 2020 marked a big occasion for two reasons for the LAPPG. Firstly, it was our 12th anniversary and secondly, we took a big step into the world of online meetings due to the current pandemic situation. While we miss our in person meetings tremendously, we are committed to keeping our members. presenters, partners and friends safe and will only resume when we are directed by state and county health officials say it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, it was a lot of fun connecting with members online at June’s meeting. We were lucky enough to have our friends from Sony Electronic’s “in the house” (more like at their house) so to speak as we launched into this new world of virtual gatherings. Dan Perry who works in business development at Sony Electronics did a sensational job giving us a historical look back at the last 12 years for Sony and LAPPG where he explored the various Sony camera, display monitors, topics at LAPPG meetings and the move to card-based workflows after the earthquake and tsunami destroyed the SR tape plant in Japan. It was fascinating to look back the last 12 years of Sony and the industry as well as reminisce about the last 12 years at LAPPG including hosting our meetings at Allied Post, Stoner Park, Showbiz Store & Cafe, Electric Lodge and Crossroads School. And because it was a “celebration” sorts, we polled the group to see what type of beverages everyone was enjoying! Margaritas, red wine and lemonade were flowing at our place!
We hosted a 2nd poll a little later showing that 93% of our attendees owned a Sony Electronics product(s)! Which brought us to our presentation for the evening. DMPC manager, Sam Fares orchestrated an impressive live demo with Woody Woodhall of the LAPPG controlling the focus and zoom of cameras in a 4 camera set up remotely and then performing remote switching during recording. The files were then uploaded to Sony’s cloud platform, Ci. He also asked for an attendee to volunteer and make a clip and upload through a file request link on the spot. Longtime LAPPG member Roxanna Sandoval Sahagun volunteered right away and successfully was able upload her clip through Ci to Sam Fares in this remote workflow demo. Following the demo Laura Pursley from Sony Electronic’s marketing was able to share with us the features and benefits of Sony Ci as well as sharing an outstanding offer with the entire group of meeting attendees by giving them each a 30-day trial of Sony Ci worth $1,000!
On top of this incredible offer we were able to hold our monthly giveaway offline for all the attendees who joined us and stayed with us through the entire meeting. Winners were notified and very happy! Thanks to Blackmagic Design, Boris FX and OWC for participating in the giveaway.
It was a special meeting indeed, and one we won’t soon forget. For after over 140 in person meetings it was exciting to go virtually to keep our community connected. A big thank you to Sony Electronics and all our partners, members, presenters and friends for keeping LAPPG a valuable and vital organization.
March 2020 Meeting

For the 2nd year in a row we had a Valentine’s meeting visit from the LOVE-ly Mary Poplin from Boris FX. The evening started with members checking in and each receiving beautiful journals and pens from the our fantastic partner, Shutterstock. These were used to take notes during our first presentation and for our members to use to do their own journaling to help reduce stress. The journaling advice was only a small part of the wisdom that came from the entertaining and informative presentation from Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Bill Leavitt. He discussed the often ignored topic of mental well-being and shared insights on the topic of stress which affects many of us in this industry when we are dealing with job insecurity, deadlines and long work hours. He shared some helpful tools for dealing with stress including The Four Fold Breath and No-Thing Meditation.
After his presentation we enjoyed some Valentine’s themed refreshments during the networking break and then Boris FX’s Senior Product Specialist Mary Poplin came to the stage to present an overview of the latest 2020 releases of Sapphire, Continuum and Mocha Pro. There was a lot of ground to cover and Mary, in her own inimitable fashion, knocked it out of the park by showing us many new features as well as showcasing the power of the newly acquired Silhouette. Silhouette is a best-in-class, GPU-accelerated compositing application, delivering the industry’s most robust, non-destructive, paint and roto tools for feature film and visual effects teams. We were all wowed! At the end of the evening we had another amazing giveaway thanks to our generous partners.
February 2020 Meeting

For the 2nd year in a row we had a Valentine’s meeting visit from the LOVE-ly Mary Poplin from Boris FX. The evening started with members checking in and each receiving beautiful journals and pens from the our fantastic partner, Shutterstock. These were used to take notes during our first presentation and for our members to use to do their own journaling to help reduce stress. The journaling advice was only a small part of the wisdom that came from the entertaining and informative presentation from Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Bill Leavitt. He discussed the often ignored topic of mental well-being and shared insights on the topic of stress which affects many of us in this industry when we are dealing with job insecurity, deadlines and long work hours. He shared some helpful tools for dealing with stress including The Four Fold Breath and No-Thing Meditation.
After his presentation we enjoyed some Valentine’s themed refreshments during the networking break and then Boris FX’s Senior Product Specialist Mary Poplin came to the stage to present an overview of the latest 2020 releases of Sapphire, Continuum and Mocha Pro. There was a lot of ground to cover and Mary, in her own inimitable fashion, knocked it out of the park by showing us many new features as well as showcasing the power of the newly acquired Silhouette. Silhouette is a best-in-class, GPU-accelerated compositing application, delivering the industry’s most robust, non-destructive, paint and roto tools for feature film and visual effects teams. We were all wowed! At the end of the evening we had another amazing giveaway thanks to our generous partners.
January 2020 Meeting

June 2020 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”97″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]June 30, 2020 marked a big occasion for two reasons for the LAPPG. Firstly, it was our 12th anniversary and secondly, we took a big step into the world of online meetings due to the current pandemic situation. While we miss our in person meetings tremendously, we are committed to keeping our members. presenters, partners and friends safe and will only resume when we are directed by state and county health officials say it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, it was a lot of fun connecting with members online at June’s meeting. We were lucky enough to have our friends from Sony Electronic’s “in the house” (more like at their house) so to speak as we launched into this new world of virtual gatherings. Dan Perry who works in business development at Sony Electronics did a sensational job giving us a historical look back at the last 12 years for Sony and LAPPG where he explored the various Sony camera, display monitors, topics at LAPPG meetings and the move to card-based workflows after the earthquake and tsunami destroyed the SR tape plant in Japan. It was fascinating to look back the last 12 years of Sony and the industry as well as reminisce about the last 12 years at LAPPG including hosting our meetings at Allied Post, Stoner Park, Showbiz Store & Cafe, Electric Lodge and Crossroads School. And because it was a “celebration” sorts, we polled the group to see what type of beverages everyone was enjoying! Margaritas, red wine and lemonade were flowing at our place!
We hosted a 2nd poll a little later showing that 93% of our attendees owned a Sony Electronics product(s)! Which brought us to our presentation for the evening. DMPC manager, Sam Fares orchestrated an impressive live demo with Woody Woodhall of the LAPPG controlling the focus and zoom of cameras in a 4 camera set up remotely and then performing remote switching during recording. The files were then uploaded to Sony’s cloud platform, Ci. He also asked for an attendee to volunteer and make a clip and upload through a file request link on the spot. Longtime LAPPG member Roxanna Sandoval Sahagun volunteered right away and successfully was able upload her clip through Ci to Sam Fares in this remote workflow demo. Following the demo Laura Pursley from Sony Electronic’s marketing was able to share with us the features and benefits of Sony Ci as well as sharing an outstanding offer with the entire group of meeting attendees by giving them each a 30-day trial of Sony Ci worth $1,000!
On top of this incredible offer we were able to hold our monthly giveaway offline for all the attendees who joined us and stayed with us through the entire meeting. Winners were notified and very happy! Thanks to Blackmagic Design, Boris FX and OWC for participating in the giveaway.
It was a special meeting indeed, and one we won’t soon forget. For after over 140 in person meetings it was exciting to go virtually to keep our community connected. A big thank you to Sony Electronics and all our partners, members, presenters and friends for keeping LAPPG a valuable and vital organization.
October Meeting Photos
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Back on the Westside after two months of being “on location” at SONY and ZEISS, we settled back in at the Community Room for a very full night. First up we had Derick Rhodes, VP of Creator Programs jetting in from NYC to share with us the exciting new updates happening at Vimeo. He shared a great new resource called For Hire jobs marketplace where you can find professionals to work on your projects as well as find work for yourself! He also detailed Vimeo stock and spoke about both licensing the footage as well as selling your footage to be licensed. And lastly, Derick shared Vimeo’s workflow tools including their Review page which is key to working collaboratively. After the networking break with some Halloween inspired treats we jumped into Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve 16 with Mary Plummer who showed us in detail how the cut page works for creating speedy short form content like the cooking demo she walked us through. And then she switched over the Fairlight audio page where she showed some of the powerful tools in this fully integrated professional audio post platform now inside DaVinci Resolve 16.
September 2019 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”90″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]What a special night! Thank you to the amazing team at ZEISS for opening the doors to host us at their new ZEISS Cinema Lens Demo Center in Sherman Oaks, CA. Our members got to take a tour around the facility and spend some time looking at the amazing Cinema Lens Display as well as the prep floor where ZEISS’ world class lenses graced various third party cameras. We also got to see their 4K HDR theater, full editorial suite with DaVinci Resolve and Nuke software. After some networking and refreshments we settled in for panel where we got an inside look at the making of STUCCO, a thought-provoking short film produced in partnership with RED Digital Cinema and EFILM.
The panel was moderated by Snehal Patel, Director of Sales, America for ZEISS and included Joachim Zell, VP of Technology, EFILM/ Stucco Imaging Scientist; Barry Goch, Senior Finishing Artist, Foundation Post/Stucco Editor; and Dan Duran, Post Production & Workflow Specialist, RED Digital Cinema. The fascinating discussion explored the emotional and technical aspects of making a film with heavy practical and visual effects. It also addressed how to leverage RED DSMC2 with ZEISS lens metadata technology (eXtended Data) for a streamlined workflow from production to post.
After the panel we had a active Q&A session and ended the evening with our popular giveaway worth over $3,600! A big thank you to Snehal Patel and Katia Del Rosario and the entire ZEISS team for an amazing meeting!
August Meeting Photos
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In celebration of the end of summer we decided to hit the road and leave Santa Monica behind and we traversed the wild LA terrain of freeways and traffic jams to land at a brand new filmmakers’ oasis in Glendale, CA, the Sony Digital Media Production Center (DMPC). We’d like to offer a big thank you to the team at Sony Electronics for hosting such a special meeting – from tours of this beautiful new facility, to the generous food and drink they provided and for allowing our members to explore this amazing educational resource for filmmakers. The facility includes a production stage, a workflow suite, and a photo studio, as well as a theater with a 23’ wide, 6K Crystal LED display, having a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1 for stunning HDR playback! After networking and touring we were treated to an informative seven person panel moderated by Sony’s Dan Perry. We learned what it takes to post a one-hour drama using the X-OCN codec of Sony’s VENICE camera with the post production team from the upcoming Freeform show, “Motherland: Fort Salem” Finally capping the evening off was our popular monthly giveaway, which culminated in an terrific prize supplied by Sony of their RX0 ii camera.
July 2019 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”88″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Our July meeting gave us all an opportunity to see just some of the amazingly talented members that make up the Los Angeles Post Production Group. We were honored with a return visit from Vickie Sampson to share her most recent directorial work, the dark comedy thriller short film, “You Drive Me Crazy.” Vickie shared the green screen and plates she used in the VFX work for her film and gave us some insight into things she learned in the process. Then we had longtime LAPPG member Maurice Simmons share a clip from his most recent documentary, “DYMALLY: The First of His Kind” which chronicles the half century public service career of one of America’s most colorful and powerful elected officials, Mervyn M. Dymally. Maurice strongly advised that you making sure your budget reflects the true cost of footage and images. He also reminded us to look more locally with the subject’s friends and neighbors for footage or images they may have buried in their garages. And finally, we had Jaswant Dev Shrethsa (aka Jaz) rounding out our member showcase with clips from two projects he is working on, Festival of Tihar and Journey’s with Jaz. Both are beautifully shot and investigate different cultures as well as the natural world. We were inspired by Jaz’s determination in creating these ambitious shows and getting them out into the world.
After our networking break we had a wonderful time with Foley Artist Tony Margulies as he took us through the whats and the hows of adding Foley to your soundtrack. It was fun and fascinating to see some of the unusual props Tony uses to make different sounds and it was especially entertaining hearing the different walking styles and patterns he is able to create. Tony made it an entertaining and interactive experience, even calling up an LAPPG member to try walking with him.
The night ended with another one of our awesome giveaways, thanks to our incredible partners who help make these meetings happen every month. A big thank you to our friends, partners and members for your ongoing support!
June 2019 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”87″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]An enormous thank you to our friends at ZEISS for making our 11th Anniversary celebration all the more festive by providing a wonderful Mexican food dinner and delicious cake! After our wonderful buffet dinner, Jeffrey Stansfield of Advantage Video Systems and Philip Hodgetts of Lumberjack Systems spoke to the group about the importance of growing your personal brand and gave great examples for their own brands as well as others. It was a fun and informative presentation and was followed up by our delicious anniversary cake and networking. We also had Richard Wright in the house who showcased the latest in connectivity and storage from Other World Computing (OWC) and then we had a presentation from Philip on Lumberjack System’s Builder 2.0. It was fascinating to see how his unique and powerful use of metadata allows editing by using text and keywords. We ended the evening with over $5k in giveaway prizes and some good cheer to take us into the next 11 years!
May 2019 Photos
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It’s always a fun night when Blackmagic is in the house and for the 2nd year in a row we were lucky enough to have Blackmagic Design Night! The full evening dedicated to the inspiring gear and tools coming out of this amazing company. We began the night with a great demo from Product Specialist Shawn Carlson who took us on a tour of DaVinci Resolve 16 spending time on the revolutionary new Cut page specifically designed for editors that need to work quickly and on tight deadlines. Then after the networking break we had filmmaker Benjamin L. Brown shares an entertaining presentation discussing and comparing the Pocket Cinema Camera 4K and the new URSA Mini Pro G2. It’s always a treat for us to have talented professionals who can advise us on which cameras will work best for various productions. The evening ended with a fantastic giveaway and the feeling that all is right with the world when Blackmagic Design keeps creating affordable, high quality products for filmmakers of all levels.
April 2019 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”85″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]With NAB fresh on everyone’s minds we took our annual stroll into the our Post NAB Roundup with Laura Pursley, Market Development Manager, Sony Cinema. She gave a great accounting of what we needed to take away from the show including a look at the latest cloud offerings, some software updates and new hardware releases. She also spoke about the importance of community that was fostered at the event as well as the need for us to be vigilant about ensuring panels are diversified and inclusive. It was a thorough look at what happened at the show and what we should keep our eyes open for in the near future. After our networking break we jumped right in with the always enthusiastic Christine Steele. It was wonderful having this talented Adobe Certified Master Trainer back in the house to show us the latest announcements from Adobe from NAB. She took us on a tour of the new features available in Creative Cloud video and audio tools, including Content-Aware Fill in After Effects, Freeform panel in Premiere Pro, and Punch and Roll Recording in Audition and answered many questions. We were in great hands the entire evening with the two awesome ladies!
March 2019 Photos
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”84″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]March 2019’s LAPPG meeting was full of excitement as we had two three fantastic ladies sharing the spotlight for the evening. First up we had Andrea Chlebak, Senior Colorist from Deluxe speak about Color in Narratives. She shared her personal journey into the color space, how color enhances or creates atmosphere and how to add meaning by establishing a palette. She spoke on the process of coming to a final look for a film through color grading and discussed her use of experimentation, intuition and perception as a toolset to determine how cool, dark or saturated to make an image. She also spoke about and how she collaborates with directors and cinematographers to enhance the narrative through color. After the break we welcomed Moderator Monica Daniel who introduced us to “Captain Marvel” editor Debbie Berman and detailed Debbie’s 15 year journey to the US and how she worked her way to becoming one of Hollywood’s exciting new talents and in-demand editors. Monica and Debbie discussed clips from various films including “Spider-Man: Homecoming” and “Black Panther”. The audience enjoyed Debbie’s story of how she wore a “Captain Marvel” t-shirt during her work on “Spider-Man: Homecoming” which may have helped send “the powers that be” a subliminal message to hire her for the new film! It was a great evening for women in film, filled with entertaining stories and valuable information and insights.
February 2019 Photos
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It was a great evening to escape some of the rain we’d been having plus, it was the night before Valentine’s Day which meant delicious, delectable desserts were aplenty. First up it was a great honor to have John Long, co-founder of award winning film and television advertising company, Buddha Jones visiting. John, along with Buddha’s post supervisor inspired us and answered so many of our questions about the art and the craft of creating compelling trailers. Then, after the networking break we were thrilled to have Mary Poplin, Senior Product Specialist from Boris FX back on the house. Mary opened our eyes to more than Mocha this time around! We were introduced to the 2019 versions of Continuum and Sapphire in addition to Mocha. Mary demoed like a champ and answered all if our questions. It’s always fun to watch her demo and to see Sapphire and Continuum added to her slate made it a super opportunity for LAPPG members. Thank you to John, Blake and Mary for an exceptional night!
January 2019 Photos
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January 10th’s LAPPG meeting was filled with high energy as we kicked off 2019 with two inspiring presentations. First we had director and showrunner Pat McGee come with his team to speak about how he went from creating the documentary “American Relapse” to pitching and producing a 10 episode docuseries for Viceland called “Dopesick Nation.” After the networking break we had independent filmmaker and entrepreneur Noam Kroll back to present to the group. This time he spoke about ways of building a sustainable career in filmmaking in 2019. Noam’s presentation was full of insights and great actionable steps that inspired us all. We are looking forward to 11 more fabulous meetings in the year ahead!
December 2018 Photos
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December’s meeting was festive and fun and a great way to send off the year! With a thorough and informative presentation, Mark Anderson from LaCie shared a ton of storage and workflow information, answered many of our questions and gave and an amazing explanation of RAID storage. After the break filled with holiday treats like cream puffs, eclairs, gingerbread and lots of networking we had the pleasure of welcoming senior colorist from ArsenalFX Color, Rory Gordon. We learned about the fascinating research she did on a white paper she delivered at SMPTE, on observations she made on the effect of HDR as it varies through visual styles, using examples from a one hour medical drama, a half hour super hero comedy, and a one hour spy thriller. The audience was fascinated. Thank you to both Mark and Rory and all our presenters this year. And to our members, partners and friends, we can’t wait to see you in the new year! Thanks for your support!
November 2018 Photos
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With Thanksgiving in our sights, our November 2018 meeting was filled with gratitude for our members, partners and our presenters and with that in mind, we were thrilled to welcome back two of our favorites to present to the group. First, we welcomed Jem Schofield of theC47 down from Oregon to share information on small to no crew production. We would like to thank Westcott for helping make this happen. Then actress, producer and writer Alexandra Boylan was back with her cinematographer, Richard Galli, to speak about their experience creating their feature film, ” At Your Own Risk” with a $1K production budget. It was a truly a great evening for DIY Fimmaking!
October Meeting Photos
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October’s meeting was full of Halloween cheer with delicious treats and lots of fun decorations. The evening started with a presentation from ZEISS with moderator Michael Valinsky speaking to husband and wife team DP Beth Napoli and workflow expert Dan Duran. They showcased some of their work and spoke about using ZEISS lenses and how these beautiful shots were captured. During the break Jacqueline Lehr showcased some of the new ZEISS lenses. During the second half of the evening we where thrilled to have LAPPG member and storied filmmaker Bruce Logan, ASC. Bruce detailed the process of creating his feature film, “Lost Fare” including his experience editing and coloring the film using Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve.
September 2018 Photos
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September 2018’s meeting was held at Roth Hall and was filled with members reconnecting with those who had been away all summer. It was also great to see many new members in attendance. Jason Brubaker, founder of Filmmaking Stuff and VP of Global Sales at Distribber took us through the new rules of film distribution. True to his word, as always, Jason left our members with solid action plans and a shift in the way we look at modern filmmakers. He proposed that we see ourselves as entrepreneurial filmmakers. After the networking break we had LAPPG‘s own Woody Woodhall, CAS share his expertise and knowledge of the incredibly powerful and essential program, iZotope’s RX. Woody took us through a tour of 4 of the key plugins he employs on a daily basis including Declick, Ambience Match, Spectral Repair, Insight metering using his latest project, feature film, Lost Fare, directed by LAPPG member Bruce Logan, ASC. After this thorough and entertaining presentation we had an exciting giveaway with lots of happy winners.
August 2018 Photos
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We started the evening with a presentation from CEO and Founder of Digital Rebellion, Jon Chappell. Members got to see how Kollaborate works as well as many of his other apps which Jon gives away each month at our LAPPG giveaways. We celebrated summer during break with some ice cream treats and then started the 2nd presentation with Special Effects Makeup Artist, KC Mussman. She shared many insights from the industry as well as best practices and how her shop funcctions and creates amazing works including a Demegorgon which she gave away to a lucky LAPPG winner.
July 2018 Photos
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There was a plethora of great energy and tons of new members filling our July meeting. It was wonderful having our friends from OWC come visit. AJ Gerth, Thor Juell and Luke Engstrom filled us in on what’s new with their Thunderbolt 3 family. They answered our many questions about speed and compatibility and even spent time showing us a confidential new product they’ve been developing. They also took time to hear our thoughts as they stressed that these products our being built for us, the end user, so as in the past, they really listened to us and will be taking our comments and ideas back to HQ. After the break we had LAPPG’s first every remote presenter, Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach. Jessica had to head to Florida at the last minute so using Zoom we had her in the room with us where she shared 5 key strategies we should all employ in our networking to get more work. Jessica’s presentation was filled with valuable nuggets of information and she peppered her presentation with fantastically entertaining stories! A big thank you to Jessica for staying up til midnight to present to us! What a great summer meeting for members new and old!
June 2018 – 10th Anniversary Celebration Photos
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What a special evening! LAPPG members gathered from far and wide to toast the group’s 10th Anniversary at NewFilmmakers Los Angeles’s June Film Festival in DTLA at the South Park Center. Complete with a slate of screenings, two open bars, tech demo tables from Adobe, Blackmagic Design, LaCie and OWC. A big thank you goes out to these companies for supporting the evening along with ZEISS, Shutterstick and Vimeo. Thanks to Larry, Andrew and Bojana and the entire NFMLA team plus a big thank you to all our members, partners, presenters and friends for such an amazing decade.
May 2018 Photos
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May 10th, 2018 marked Blackmagic Night at LAPPG! The evening was jam packed with discussions of the major announcements that came out of NAB and included the new integrations into DaVinci Resolve 15 making it the world’s first solution to combine professional offline and online editing, color correction, audio post-production, multi user collaboration and now visual effects, together in one software tool. Paul Saccone showed us Fusion as well as the Pocket Cinema Camera 4K and Mary Plummer brought us up to speed on Fairlight, now part of DaVinci Resolve. The audiences audible wows and gasps were heard throughout the evening. Members definitely liked what they saw!
April 2018 Photos
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Spring is in gear and with that Matt Christensen shared the latest NAB announcements from Adobe Creative Cloud at our April 18 meeting. This was followed by and entertaining and informative presentation from Lyndel Crosley who shared the important role of the DIT. As always, we had time for networking and our enormous giveaway complete with a 1-year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud!
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